Nassar Factories for Plastic were established in 1982 in Tenth of Ramadan City as one of the leading factories in producing UPVC pipes for different purposes by the Chemist/ Elsayed Ahmed Ismail Nassar.

We are steadfast in our commitment to surpassing customer expectations by providing top-tier water transport products that not only meet current needs but also anticipate future requirements. Our approach involves a continuous focus on quality, innovation, and cost-effectiveness, ensuring the highest possible returns for our customers. To drive this success, we prioritize the ongoing development and motivation of our human resources. Additionally, our dedication extends to active participation in economic and social development initiatives while adhering to stringent safety and environmental regulations.

Nassar Co. envisions a future where our commitment to delivering the highest quality products at an optimal balance of price and excellence stands as the hallmark of customer satisfaction. We strive for continuous improvement, actively seeking and valuing customer feedback to refine not only our products but also all aspects of their experience with us. Our vision extends beyond being a market leader; we aim to be the preferred choice for customers seeking the utmost in quality, service, and solutions at a reasonable price.